Future Pedestrian Tunnel
At Parker Road
Trail Crossing

Visit The Rail Trail
To reach the Lang Station trail head, follow State Route 13 South for 3.9 miles, and turn right onto Gregg Mill Road. In less than 0.1 mile, the trail parking area and Lang Station will be on your left.
HCYC/4h fairgrounds trail head
Follow SR 13 S 5.9 miles, and turn right onto Hilldale Lane. Cross bridge to enter the Hillsborough County Youth Center* property. Follow Hilldale Lane along the river. Head north a few hundred yards to find signs for the trail.
*Note that this is private property, though the youth center allows the public to park and access the trail during the day.
From Center of New Boston, take RT 13N for 4 miles and then turn left onto Parker Road. Cross over the bridge and take a left at the fork. Go for 1/8 mile and the parking lot is on the right.
Riverside Drive TRAIL HEAD
Access the newest part of the NBRT via Riverside Drive, across the street from the Berry Good Blueberry Farm on Parker Road.

NBRT is accessible for people of all ages and abilities! Picnic tables and resting benches are located throughout the trail.
A special thanks to Wheels in the Wilderness for reviewing the NBRT!
Check out their video review: